A skill that takes incredible patience, years of experience and the steadiest of hands – the art of gold lining.
Coach lining, or gold lining in the case of our new Bonneville Gold Line Editions, is a talent that very few people master. Here at Triumph, a handful of artists add these flawless details to our most iconic range of motorcycles.

Many of our motorcycles that feature pin-striped tanks usually start out with a two-colour base scheme, where the joining point between the two colours is flattened down. The gold line is then carefully hand-applied, usually in one continuous stroke by the artist using a soft-bristled sword-liner brush. Once the pin stripe is in place, it’s sealed from the elements with a final clear coat of lacquer.
The paints used for gold lining are specially formulated by mixing powder pigments with a cellulose lacquer to achieve the exact consistency required for such intricate brushwork.
Each hand-lined Triumph is then adorned with the artists initials, a personal touch that makes every hand-painted Triumph special.
If you own a Triumph with hand-painted detailing, have a look under the front of your seat where it meets the fuel tank, or underneath the tank itself, to see which artist detailed your motorcycle. Share this with us on Instagram using by #ForTheRide or tagging @OfficialTriumph.